i GET THE IDEA FROM READING THE VIEW SITE THAT SHERRI SHEPARD IS ONE OF THE HOSTS OF THE SHOW? If so why can't we all email the show and ask them to to a segement on JW'S. that may work. john
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
Sherri Shepard EXJW On "The View"
by Sunspot ini am watching this program....and sherri shepard just said she was raised as a jw and how strict their beliefs were.
she was asked what jws believe---and she answered that they teach that when jesus comes back to destroy the earth, that only jws will be allowed to live on the new earth that will be made.. she also said how she hated going out on saturday mornings to knock on doors, and that it was tough when her father got disassociated (she had to stop and explain what that meant) and that she could no longer talk to him.. a lot of women (who are at home :o) watch this show.....and i am applauding her saying this so all who are watching this will hear these two points and remeber them the next time jws call at their houses!.
facts that only jws will be saved when jesus comes back---and jws told not to speak to those who leave or are kicked out of the religion.....two great points to be aired like this on national tv!.
KH's hang up when I phoned them tonight about the NBC story
by moshe ini managed to call local kh's tonight to ask them , if they had seen the nbc news story about jw's- they were all excited expecting to hear about a jw puff piece like "jehovah's roofing service".
well, folks they didn't linger on the line very long when moshe explained what the story was about, in fact every jw hung up on me when i asked them about their kh and whether they were hiding pedophiles from the police.
a stiff necked bunch they are when it comes to news that should make them ask god for forgiveness for their collective sin.
johnny cip
Oh yes the fine art of telephone witnessing . jw's just hate answering any questions their stock responce is "were having a meeting now give us you home address and we will send out some jw's to talk to you" CLICK If you want to win some souls put your fingers in the dial holes. if anyone knows how to keep them on the phone it's Moshe.
Barbara Anderson is on NBC Nightly News Tonight 11/21/07
by AndersonsInfo ina producer with nbc in new york called within the past hour to tell me that the segment i interviewed for (once in nashville, tn in august and once in washington, dc in october) is set to air tonight on nbc nightly news with brian williams, that is, if no huge calamity takes place to bump the feature.
this piece will be two minutes and 45 seconds long, the longest slot nightly news has for topics of interest, and will feature a discussion about the court documents that are found on the cd i recently produced, "secrets of pedophilia in an american religion, jehovah's witnesses in crisis.
in addition, nbc's internet site, msn, will follow with a detailed story.
johnny cip
mY WT IDOLIZING JW DAD JUST CALLED ME BACK AND ASKED ME TO CALL HIM WHEN THE SHOW STARTS. WOW. he said he don't want to miss it... WOW he will know the subject well. I can't believe i called him with out argueing. and he knows when I call about the wts it's never nothing good. I think my reverse shunning is working. john
Jehovah's Witness Tragedy: 24 dead; 13 in critical condition
by Kenneson inin nigeria, a bus carrying mostly jehovah's witness women, collided with a large truck on a return trip from a wedding ceremony.
24 died; doctors at a hospital are trying to save 13 others.
see "nigeria: road accident claims 24 in abia.".
johnny cip
I feel very sad for these people. All i want to know is WERE WAS JEHOVAH? TO PROTECT HIS HAPPY PEOPLE ON SUCH A JOYEST EVENT AS A JW WEDDING.? JOHN
Barbara Anderson is on NBC Nightly News Tonight 11/21/07
by AndersonsInfo ina producer with nbc in new york called within the past hour to tell me that the segment i interviewed for (once in nashville, tn in august and once in washington, dc in october) is set to air tonight on nbc nightly news with brian williams, that is, if no huge calamity takes place to bump the feature.
this piece will be two minutes and 45 seconds long, the longest slot nightly news has for topics of interest, and will feature a discussion about the court documents that are found on the cd i recently produced, "secrets of pedophilia in an american religion, jehovah's witnesses in crisis.
in addition, nbc's internet site, msn, will follow with a detailed story.
johnny cip
Great work Barbara; My T.V. will be tuned to NBC NIGHTLY NEWS TONIGHT. and just called my jw dad. and told him to watch it, but didn't tell what it was about.b all I said was it was about the "good news". I think he will be watching. and I'll be taping. john
Apostate Presence Rattles World Conference on Religion
by SickofLies ini know many of you probably never saw my post a few days ago inviting everyone to the world religions conference where i was a key note speaker.
i'd like to send a big thank you to kwintestal and mincan for showing and giving their support, surfice to say it made quite an impression that the three people standing up and defending atheism at the event were all ex-witnesses.
the theme for the event was on the topic of morals and modesty.
johnny cip
Sick of Lies; nice work. I know you for honesty and holding no punches. unlike 90% of the posters here you have balls. you walk the walk. john
Is JWD #1.....My Therapist....his first advice on JW's, me, and divorce
by oompa ini have told my new therapist so much about jwd, some of the insightful comments here, and how much it has helped me and other dubs that we both now wonder if there are other jw help sites.
i really don't know as this was the first and only one i ever found, and it was just what i needed.. he has pegged me well as impatient, and knows i was vocal about my wake-up from jw.
his advice right now is to back off totally on trying to help any others, and i have told him that many here have said no one will wake-up until they want to for some reason.
johnny cip
Oompa: the jw's got you just were they want you. your love sick, and the only way to get back love is going to the hall... they got you over a barrell, your starting to break. so maybe just a few meetings a month will not hurt.? they got you in the plams of thier hands. go back and you will be more sorry than you are now, in a few months. all your hard work to get out and now you may go back? . they will play you like a puppet. stay strong and keep away from the jw's. just my 2 cents. john
Where does a JW start to research?? It's all LIES
by horrible life ini came to jwd because i was angry and scared of a person.
in my anger, i wanted to scream about my past life as a jw.
as a jw, if i was told to research, where would i start?
johnny cip
good question where should a jw start? I was talking to 2 23 year old jw's yesterday. for over an hour. and they never researched a single thing I asked them. but they claimed to know it all. and every time I asked . they tried to change the subject. or claim they know ie. about the wt being taxed in france etc. but in an hour they knew nothing about what I was asking. I got into the the trinity booklet, and how the wt lies or misquotes next to every reference. well the girl finally woke up a bit, as she had the trinity booklet. I told her test all or any of the references in it. then ask your self If what I've been telling you for an hour about the wts writing dept. as being liars? at one point I told her jw boy friend point blank if he don't stop laughing at me, b/c he can't answer any of my questions honestly. he might get smacked. after a few yes or no questions he admitted he never did any research on any of the things , he claimed before. I left them politely and told them to prove all things the wts prints as true.
Reading WT literature/talking to a JW is like talking to a 10 year old.
by dawg inok, so some witnesses left the "watchtower" mag.
at my door the other day....so i picked it up and read it.... it was like reading the logic of a 10 year old.
then when i talk to jw, like my cousins that still talk to me, or like the trolls (jws) who are on the board some nights, i feel as i'm talking to a 10 year old.... like the troll on-line tonight.... do you guys agree?.
johnny cip
Dawg: talking to a jw to me is like talking to a 3 YEAR OLD. i have been reading a lot of your posts and your one of the few honest people here. imo. I can't find a jw that can go 10 minutes with me. it's not because i'm nasty/ crazy apostate like some on this board try to may me out. IT'S ALL ABOUT KNOWLEDGE and knowing how to use it. Dawg keep doing what your doing , I feel next to no jw can handle you. your just one step ahead of them. and that what works. never forget it. john
For all you PETROL & GAS whiners. Stop complaining that it's too expensive!
by nicolaou inhere in the uk we're paying over a 1 a litre for regular unleaded fuel, that's about $9 per gallon for my american friends.
now i'm as aware as anyone that the bulk of my fuel pound goes to the government in duty (or fuel tax) but let's just look at the bottom line cost to you and i as motorists - 1/litre.. just getting the the damn stuff out of the ground is dangerous and expensive, especially at offshore rigs.
then you have to transport it, refine it and transport it again.
johnny cip
nicolaou; I know people here in the U.S. that can't afford heating oil and eat rice and beans to just keep warm if you call 50 degrees (F) warm? the price of oil is making many U.S. homeowner lose thier houses? the price of everything in the U.S. is going through the roof. my wages have not gone up. I fact I lose $$$ on every job b/c i run a trucking co. and no one want to here I raised my fee's b/c of HIGH COSTS OF FUEL. costumers want to pay less b/c they are BROKE. WHAT costed me $40 a day a truck a few year ago now costs $70 a day times that by 6 trucks a day and you get the idea, who is losing the oil co's? or normal hard working ppl like me. $hit I can't even afford a vacation. maybe I should charge all my long time costumers high rates , till they drop me for some cutthroat half-ass illegal flyby nights> my workers need a $100 a week raise to keep up with inflation. at the same time we are losing $100 a week on every employe thnks to the high price of oil. that MINUS $200 A WEEK TIMES 12 PEOPLE. just wait till gas hits over $4 a gallon here in the U.S. I know many good working people that will lose their jobs from this. I don't think your thinking straight nicolaou